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How Do I Know if My House Has Polybutylene Pipes?

It is not a question of “if” polybutylene pipes will fail; it is only a question of when. For this reason, it is vital to determine whether you have these pipes installed in your home. Fortunately, it is not as hard as you might think to find out, and you won’t have to tear walls or flooring apart to identify these pipes. If your home was built between the 1970s and the end of the 1990s, there is a chance your home has these pipes within the walls. They were installed as a less expensive alternative to copper pipe, and it wasn’t until about the mid-1980s that the serious defects of the pipes became apparent. 

Most polybutylene pipes are stamped with PB2110. Interior polybutylene pipes are most often gray, but they can be black. If they are outside the home, they may even be blue. The pipes are usually a half-inch to 1 inch in diameter.  

Polybutylene pipes are flexible and will bend easily with just a little pressure. To find the pipe, look around your water heater, beneath your sink, and around your toilet. In some cases, you may have polybutylene pipes around the water meter or main water shut-off valve. These pipes will be exposed and easy to spot. Please note, the pipes will not be utilized for waste disposal, drainage, or vent piping.

What to Do if You Discover Polybutylene Pipes

The first thing to note is there is no need to panic. Your pipes are unlikely to fail between today and the time your plumber replaces them. That said, it is something you want to take care of as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely a failure will occur. Replacing the pipes is a cost-effective repair that will save you money in the long run. 

We encourage you to contact Dupree Plumbing at 770-428-2291 to learn more about our polybutylene pipe replacement services. We will answer your questions and help you determine the next steps that are right for your needs.